
Monique Salazar

💥A tasty recipe to reduce belly fat and feel fuller longer to reduce late night cravings! (LOOK INSIDE)!💥

Published over 1 year ago • 1 min read

After a decade in women's health, I know eating enough is 1 of the biggest struggles for us women. Everything out here says eat less, workout more and if that worked we'd all be thin and fit.

So skip that and the powdered food. If we want to lose weight after 35 and work with our hormones we must adopt healthy eating habits. And that means giving our body what it needs to gain energy, release fat and feel satisfied!

We have to listen to our bodies and eat enough INSTEAD of eating 1200 calories and restricting. Now, beyond eating enough we should be eating food that tastes good and is satiating!

That means if we ever want to lose weight and keep it off, we need healthy foo that tastes good. If we don't we're likely to binge later, have cravings and restrict our metabolism.

So if you've wanted to lose belly fat, reduce bloating and feel fuller longer try this Pork Stir Fry Recipe below!

It's easy, quick and makes enough for 4! My family and I eat it regularly and so have my clients.

Why does it work?

It's packed with protein, carbs and healthy fats! Many of us fear carbs, but need them for energy. Plus, our body does not make protein so we MUST put it in to have energy and function!

Give it a try! And I want to hear what you think. One of my clients said she made it and her teenage son came in the kitchen asking what the delicious smell was! Then he devoured it!

Give it a try and I'll check back soon!

Click below to download your recipe!

High Protein Pork Stir Fry.pdf


Monique Salazar

Female Hormone, Metabolism and Weight Loss Expert

I help women lose 15lbs NATURALLY, balance hormones and gain confidence in their changing body's w/out starving! To stay up to date on all things Hormones and Metabolism, drop your email below.

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